Friday, June 26, 2015

Hi Everyone:

This blog is dedicated to having conversations with readers of my book:

Authentic Quantitative Analysis for Education Leadership Decision-Making and EdD Dissertations: A Practical, Intuitive, and Intelligible Approach 

How to Critique and Apply Quantitative Research to Improve Practice, and Develop a Rigorous and Useful EdD Dissertation

The goal of this blog is to share reactions, critiques, suggestions, and experiences with using this book in an EdD program with each other. The advantages of publishing with NCPEA, is that in addition to keeping the price low for students, their print on demand model makes it possible to make frequent revisions.  

In addition, the goal is to start a conversation among us as a community about the use of quantitative analysis in EdD programs. Hopefully, those who join in will not only be the individuals who teach the methodology courses, but a wide range of faculty and program directors. Please share your ideas with me and the others who join in. 

Stanley Pogrow

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